
This is my personal blog. I regularly write about church leadership and infrastructure development, including specifics on

leadership techniques and the details of implementing systems, processes, and methods that enable the church to succeed.

Is Your Church “Operationally Ready?”

Is Your Church “Operationally Ready?”

November 21, 20242 min read

Ensure your church is operationally ready for this next season of ministry!

Preparing for the new year, a new season of ministry should include an assessment of your church’s “operational readiness.”

What do I mean?

In my course, The Many Roles of the Executive Pastor, I present a detailed description of the 10 roles every Executive Pastor occupies as part of their ministry. If you haven’t done so already, you should check it out. It’s loaded with downloadable resources you can edit and use for your church.

I would sum it all up to this …

The executive pastor’s role in the church is to ensure all ministries and other operational areas are “operationally ready.”

Over the past nearly twenty years, I’ve coached many Executive Pastors and other church administrators, specifically focusing on their roles and daily challenges as second-chair leaders in their churches. The overlying “theme” of each session is ensuring the church is operationally ready to accomplish its mission, preparing for and fostering growth and overall success in every ministry area!

A coaching engagement is a full year of twice-per-month Zoom sessions emphasizing two main areas:

  1. Current Challenges and Priorities—Each Zoom session, guided by the client, includes a discussion of whatever current issue or priority they’re facing. As the coach, I offer suggestions, advice, and, in many cases, resources that help them with whatever they face.

  2. Operational Readiness—Beginning with a review of the 10 Roles of the Executive Pastor and an assessment of the church’s operational readiness, sessions include a discussion of each of the five main areas of focus for the executive pastor or other church administrator.

As the engagement progresses, the client and I thoroughly review and discuss each area. I’m in the background, providing resources and working for the client. The coaching engagement accelerates the executive pastor’s progress and results in a stronger infrastructure and high degree of operational readiness.

What’s the next step?

Let’s talk! I’m planning my next season of helping and supporting churches and have a few spots to fill.

What do you say?

Are you ready to accelerate your ministry as the champion of ensuring your church is operationally ready?

Make ensuring your church is operationally ready a priority this season. Contact me HERE, and we’ll schedule a time to discuss specifics.

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

Kevin Stone

Founder of Executive Pastor Online, passionate about what Jesus calls us to do through the local church.

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